Courageous Conversations
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Courageous Conversations

If you search the internet with the words, “Courageous Conversations”, you will find lots of material. Courageous conversations about Religion, courageous conversations about Race, Politics, Work…the list is endless.

Why is this so popular now? Have we lost our ability to have conversations? Are we offended too easily and find it easier to walk away, rather than remain engaged? Are we tired of the tension in our society and we want to escape to our own home where we can believe and watch whatever we want? Is living in isolation simply easier? YES YES YES….

In the past they were called “Conversations”. Today in a divided society, with firmly held beliefs, you might be taking your life into your hands bringing up hot topics. Have we lost our civility? The back bone of American Culture is rational thinking. Emotions that run high and hot can make it difficult to create a climate of speaking truth from the heart.

Creating a climate of safety is the foundation of conversations. Do people feel they are going to be shot down? Are they embarrassed to express what they believe? Am I going to upset some one with my opinion? It can take a strong constitution to speak up today.

We must converse. Do not stay in your silo, please. Do not find like-minded people and only hang out with them. Diversify. The difficult work of listening to understand, and then speaking to be understood, will repair a divided nation. It will not happen overnight. If the future of our country concerns you, then we all have an obligation to create spaces where honest dialogue is possible. We all have an obligation of creating safe spaces to talk. It won’t happen on its own, it takes effort.

To those who are quiet…your voice needs to be heard

To those who are always talking…we need you to listen

To those who are demonstrative and bang the table to make a point, we need you to become more rational and state your case. Emotions can quickly shut down an argument.

Everyone needs to see in the other, a child of God.

Trying to figure out this Christian Journey is work. I expect Christians to be the banner carriers of healthy community. If not us, who?

What can you do to help create safe spaces to converse? Control your tone of voice. Make sure you speak up if someone is talking over other voices. Ask questions to those who are quiet. Model listening to learn, not listening to correct others. Do not tolerate bullying or belittling.

Begin with asking God to help you see God, in all people.