Announcement Regarding the 2022 Youth Gathering
The leadership of the National Youth Gathering, after several weeks spent in prayerful discernment, has ultimately decided to cancel the summer 2022 event.
While we knew this was a possibility, it is a disappointing development and, while we join the Gathering leadership in their concern for the health and well-being of all potential participants, we also mourn all that will be lost with this cancellation.
It is fitting that this year’s Gathering theme was focused on the boundlessness of God. In the midst of our disappointment, let us be reminded that our experience of a boundless God cannot be contained by a single event, that where we seek the sacred, we will find it, that a boundless God is to be found even and especially in the most challenging circumstances.
If you have any questions about this cancellation please feel free to reach out to Jaime or to visit the Gathering's website for their official statement.